Smart links

Maximize efficiency and simplify the process

OctoAds offers best in class software solutions to make lead exchange process as simple as it's possible. Smart links allow switching between different affiliates with no need to change a link. The system will automatically replace the target site keeping advertiser profile the same. It will maximize earning and prevent service downtime.

Our advanced technical solutions allow you to place one link on your website and constantly get benefits of it with no time expenses.

Smart link system empowers to:

  • Switch between partners automatically
  • Maximize earning
  • Prevent the partner's downtime
  • Avoid the partner's deception
  • Allows to do one time integration
  • Track user behavior
  • Automate all the changes
Lead exchange Icon

OctoAds makes the lead exchange more transparent by showing real results of partnership. All the processes in the system fully automated which makes cooperation process quick and transparent.

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